Variant employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 2.9/5. The average Variant hourly pay ranges from approximately 29 per hour for an OTR Truck Driver to 29 per hour for an OTR Truck Driver.
2500-3300 miles per week usually on the higher end. The average Variant salary ranges from approximately 59,556 per year for a Truck Driver to 63,951 per year for a Class A Truck Driver. Yes safety will call you or message if they see something unsafe, but they are also understanding of situations and realize that trucking can be unpredictable at times. I don’t receive random check ups and only hear from dispatch if there is a new load or special info for a pickup/delivery. They are very focus and never shy away from getting something repaired if the driver feels it’s a concern or at least having a shop look at it to determine the next step. They were very understanding and I now have a great dispatcher who always communicates everything I need to be successful. I called up to the supervisor and was immediately given options to swap to a new one to try it out and was told if it didn’t work to please tell them so they can find a good fit.
I was having a problem with my dispatcher not getting me home on time and not communicating.